Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Flying Marbles

After fighting a two-week losing battle with what I thought was a programming bug, I'm back with a couple more screenshots. Here is a test player marble rolling along on the marble "terrain":

As far as the "bug" goes, it was actually some old viewport-type code I put into some of the rendering routines of the engine. The key word here is "some". I overlooked a couple of key model rendering routines that were used for rendering player models and well...the entire terrain was being rendered through a viewport while the player's model was not. The result was quirky, but vaguely predictable offset errors on the location of the marble which caused it to either levitate above the playing field or made it half-disappear into walls.

This is one of the drawbacks of taking long breaks while working on a major software project. To put it another way, I think I need to document the libraries a little better.

On a positive note, what these screenshots do not show is that as the marble moves along the field, it rotates and goes up and down the slopes. There are no physics involved yet, however.

Next up: some minor bug fixes and some enemy marbles.